Lesson 4
If you're having a conversation with your ex and feel like it is going no where or falling back into old, unhelpful patterns, it's perfectly Okay to ask for a break. If you need 5 minutes on your own, ask for it.
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This community is for women who are going through separation or post separation and need help and support with the day to day communication with their ex-partner.
This community is ideal for you if:
This community is not for you if:
Our community is committed to teaching some of the basics for practicing the key skills that will help you identify and overcome communication barriers. This can help you achieve better success when working together with your ex-partner in raising your children.
You will learn valuable resources to transition from being married with children to co-parenting together. You will also have the support of a community of women who are on the same path and willing to support you.
Better communication = happier parents = happier children!
This community is designed to help you practice effective and practical skills to successfully relate to the other parent and build a successful working relationship.
Learn a new way of relating to your ex-partner. Begin to develop an awareness of your mindset, and how the way you think about your situation can affect your relationship.
It's not a sign of personal failure to feel confused about how to relate to the other parent now that you are apart. This situation is confusing. But don't be discouraged, some of it will be easier than you think!
Our community is here to help you through and provide real support.
Get the help, advice and guidance you need from an experienced guide and a supportive community. You will learn simple skills that will improve your day-to-day life and communications with your ex-partner.
You will be part of our private Facebook group where you will join a vibrant community of women on the same journey as you.
Take part in our weekly group calls where we address the typical day to day communication issues and what to do about them.
Got a specific question about your situation? You will be able to ask about them and get expert answers.
As part of your membership you will be given a program of work to follow that will improve your situation and you can progess at your own pace.
The words you use can either help or hurt your progress to a better working relationship. You will learn the difference between them and use language that benefits you.
Different communication styles, can all contribute to ongoing conflict. This community will teach you ways to minimise those common co-parenting conflicts.
We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community of women dedicated to improving their life situation and build a better working relationship with their ex-partner. Get started today by clicking the button below!
About Your community leader
Maria has been working extensively with families going through separation as part of her family law practice. For over 12 years she has been guiding and supporting women through the separation process. Through this work Maria has recognised that more than any other issue, poor communication leads to higher levels of conflict and distress.
Maria has seen that where her family law clients have taken her communication advice on board, this has proven to lead to lower levels of conflict and particularly about the children.
Which is what matters the most!
Maria is a certified coach, mediator, collaborative practitioner and a facilitator in restorative justice as well as being a family lawyer. These skills and training mean that she understands the complex issues that can arise around the area of separation and how best to promote effective co-parenting.
Get the help, advice and guidance you need from an experienced guide and a supportive community. You will learn simple skills that will improve your day-to-day life and communications with your ex-partner.
Maria helped me to focus on what was important so that making a descision was easy and was benificial to my children, my ex-partner and me. A calmer, happier outcome!
Maria gets to the heart of the matter and gives you solid, helpful advice on how to move forward.
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